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CDO is the place to be

01 Anecdote. on Vacatin Leave.


Life in the province has been one of the simplest things i want to live forever. Minus the tall buildings in Makati, the pollutants in the highways and avenues, and the busy crowded streets in the city, the provincial life is the life I always wish to relive and rekindle.

I worked in overseas for a year now. And definitely, I severely missed home. I was raised in Cagayan de Oro (CDO), a city situated in the northern part of The Philippines. where locals were matutrely friendly, genial, and happy. It is a place were all implicit memories were made and never be forgotten. Never ever.

Instead of spending my 6 days of international travel, I chose to rekindle the “home vibes” again. Never did I regret staying here on the province. For 7 days, I stayed at home- doing same old activities just like before including playing frisbee, beach volleyball, drinking with the locals, and spending siestas.

But the sad thing about coming back home is when it doesn't feel like it anymore. I got so excited to talk things to my closest friends but everyone seems to be very pretty busy, being busy. I just feel needy to vent out my excitement but it turnt to be a self- directed stories.

Apparently, I realized that coming back home can leave us feeling lost. The more we set expectations, the more we get differentiated between being happy and depressed.

Anyhow, still got 15 more days to enjoy and scoop fun with friends, family, exes (haha) and the everyone else.

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